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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

April 9th-13th

Don't forget you start meeting with your mentors this week!!

Spelling Test Friday

Make sure you are doing your Mathscore! :)

Monday, March 19, 2012

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone had a great spring break!

This week we are working on...

Exhibition (first meeting with mentors this week)
Vocab 3 and 4 quiz on Monday
Spelling Test on Friday

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

This week...

We hope everyone had a great Monday off!

-5 new vocab words this week
-Spelling Test on Friday
-Math Test on Friday
-New current event assignment on Friday, due next Friday
-Bring in supplies to make rafts in science

Please ask us if you have any questions!

Friday, February 17, 2012


Here are some awesome animoto videos from our Literature Circle presentations!

Good Job Guys!!

Have a good weekend!

Miss Chiles's Class...write a paper explaining to me in detail what you loved about the unit "How we Orgaznie Ourselves" and Biz Town and you will recieve 5 bonus points OR $2.00 on your end of unit test.

Have a great weekend! :)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Week of 2/13-2/17

-Valentines party on Tuesday from 9-10am.  Don't forget to bring your valentines for your friends!!

-Spelling Test on Friday

-Literature Circle projects due on Friday...we will be working on this in class so be prepared!

-We will be finishing up the unit "How we Organize Ourselves" this week and will have an end of unit test on Friday that we will prepare for during the week in class.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Week of Jan 30-Feb 3

This week:

-Vocab Quiz on Tuesday over the 10 words from the past two weeks

-Job Interviews on Tuesday, Dress for Success!!

-Grammar quiz on Thursday, we will review in class

-Biz Town Quiz on Thursday, if you pay attention in class you should do fine so PAY ATTENTION! :)

Make sure to check the board every morning for changes to the agenda!!!!!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Lit Circles Job 4

Job/Section 4 will be due on Tuesday!!

Biz Town

We are going over the different jobs of Biz Town today and you will have a chance to talk with your parents over the weekend about the job you want.  Your job application will be due on Monday January, 30th and we will be holding job interviews on Tuesday.  Remember, when you interview you need to dress for success!!

Vocab Quiz

You have a quiz on Tuesday Janurary 31st over the 10 words we have been working on the past 2 weeks.


Extra credit for Miss Chiles' class...if you bring me a WELL WRITTEN paragraph using all 10 of your vocabulary words you will receive 5 bonus points on your quiz or $1.00 for your check book!!!

Monday, January 23, 2012


Make sure to study your math vocab words (geometry shapes) to prepare for your test on Friday!

International Day


Here are some pictures from International Day in Miss Chiles class.

Vocab week 3!

Here are the words we went over and defined last Monday...


There will be a quiz next week over week 3 and week 4 words so STUDY!!!

Vocab week 4!

The words for this week are...

Financial Institution

There will be a quiz next week over week 3 and week 4 words so STUDY!!!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Lit Circles

Make sure you are keeping up with your new Literature Circle Assignment!  Section 1 is due on Tuesday, Janurary 17th.

Here is a picture of the jobs if you forget.

Ginger Bread Houses

Here are a few pictures from our Christmas Party!  We had so much fun!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Vocab week 2-quiz next Tuesday


Free Enterprise




Chiles's Class Assignments


Don't forget what we are working on this week!

Research paper due Thursday!
Current event due Friday!
Vocab quiz Tuesday!
International Day research-bring it in by Friday!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Citation Machine

Here is a website that will help you create your bibliography and citations. 

Chiles class needs to complete the following by Monday:

-Rough Draft
-Citation machine (bibliography and citations in paper)
-Peer Edit
-Parent Edit
-Type paper

Monday I will read over and make any corrections.  Final paper is due Wednesday.


Here is a great website for you to look at.  It shows different types of tessellations and also teaches you how to make your own.


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Research Paper

The research paper is due on Janurary 11th.  We will be working on this in class and you are more then welcome to work on it at home as well.  Please remember that you need to cite your sources in your paper and you also need a bibliography page at the end.  You can not use a notefact if you don't know where it came from!!

Unit 4 week 1 vocabulary words


There will be five new words given next week and we will have a quiz over all 10 next Friday.

Welcome back!

We hope you had a great break and are ready to tackle the new semester! :)